Antigua Tasca de Cuchilleros

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SU 34 y 42

SU 34 y 42

Stratigraphic Unit 34

Pearlware pottery fragment decorated ring.

Context sedimentary

Constructive remains abundant sediment


It composed of fragments of bricks and fragments of modern tiles. A - 5.74 meters appears this sediment associated with SU 39 (seems to correspond to an adaptation of the rough concrecionada to form the pit wall at a given time) on SU 39 plaster evidence. One is to this depth a full bottle appear.

Stratigraphic Unit 42

It is associated with the SU 34 where a fragment of pottery decorated pearlware ring was found.

Context sedimentary

Very wet grayish sediment, rich in charcoal.


It appears in the center of the well from -5.89 meters deep on.